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Daniel Craig Will Play a Stormtrooper in Star Wars: The Force Awakens


Daniel Craig Will Play a Stormtrooper in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Home / Daniel Craig Will Play a Stormtrooper in Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Movies & TV Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Daniel Craig Will Play a Stormtrooper in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

James Bond has an uncredited stormtrooper cameo coming up in Star Wars: Episode VII.


Published on May 15, 2015


Simon Pegg let slip a fun little cameo coming up in Star Wars: Episode VII. It turns out, James Bond will be one of the many faceless stormtroopers we witness in the upcoming film.

We accept this gift in the spirit with which is was given. Yes.

According to The Independent, Pegg was at the premiere for Man Up in London when he was questioned about his rumored role in the new Star Wars film. He replied: “I wasn’t a Stormtrooper. Daniel Craig, he was a Stormtrooper.” Then he quickly rushed to say that he shouldn’t have told anyone.


Apparently, Craig asked for an uncredited cameo for fun. (And was unsurprisingly given one. Because when James Bond asks you for a favor, we’re pretty sure you accommodate him and build a scotch sippy-straw into his helmet.) And while we understand that we won’t be seeing his handsome face, we do have a suggestion for the sequel–can he pretty pretty please be Gwendoline Christie’s secret underling lover? Since she appears to be the one in charge of the armored fellas, this seems only fair. We really need this. For reasons.

Update–Pegg has been backtracking on the comment, insisting that he heard it as a rumor himself: “Why is everyone leaping on this? It was a rumour last summer, wasn’t it? I read it in the paper. It may be untrue, like most of the other rumours, like Cumberbatch and Cruise being in it.” But, you know. He may just be worried about getting in trouble with the Great Disney Machine.

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Stubby the Rocket


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9 years ago

Suspect it was because they were filming in the same studio. Cool all the same